Saturday, June 28, 2014

Grass Rootz 420, A Review

1411 West Side Highway
Kelso, WA 98626

*banner from the Grass Rootz 420 website (I claim no ownership)

Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm

Sat-Sun, 12pm-5pm



It is discreetly, but ideally located, along the I-5 corridor. As the establishment is in a residential, single family dwelling, it has a down-home “feel.” It lacks the stark, white walls of a doctor’s office & the impersonal touches of today’s HMOs. Every single time I’ve done business, or brought someone else to conduct business, with Grass Rootz 420 in Kelso, WA I’ve been treated with respect & common courtesy. It’s refreshing to enter an establishment, have them remember not only my face, but my name, too. It’s really reminiscent of the part of my childhood that I spent in Oklahoma, when people didn’t lock their doors & everyone was welcome to every picnic. This is a compliment.

With all of the confusion over the laws & policies & whether or not the Federal government has the right to use the Supremacy Law to bully small business owners, this little establishment has hung tough. Apparently, the Cowlitz County Narcotics Task Force, had placed an uncover agent (or two, according to my sources) as a patient(s), & they gathered intel on the “dirty dealings” going on in the establishment. However, I personally believe that the Longview Police Department was out of line. As reported in a recent Daily News article, Cowlitz County’s Prosecuting Attorney, Susan Bauer, stated “that it would have been impractical to prosecute the cases because voters decided last year to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. In addition, she said confusion over laws governing both medical and recreational pot would have further complicated matters.”

*picture provided by the Grass Rootz 420 Facebook page (I claim no ownership)

I was a legally certified medical marijuana patient until November 2013, but I had to let my certification lapse without renewal. On April 6, 2013, I was coerced into signing a paper for The Longview Housing Authority (HUD) that states that “Households actively participating (in Housing Programs) . . .  will have their program assistance and tenancy terminated if there is a preponderance of evidence (if not convicted, termination will still be processed based on evidence) demonstrating the household or member of the household used, possessed, grew, or sold marijuana and/or medical marijuana.” Even though I signed the form with the added “under duress” notation, I won’t purchase marijuana legally under any circumstances. It is because of the dedication & perseverance of Aaron Kightlinger, Kirk Kightlinger, Mandy Henderson, and Steffen Kightlinger, that I will reestablish my business with Grass Rootz 420 as soon as it is legal for me to do so, without fear of retaliation.

*photo courtesy of The Daily News (I claim no ownership)

I’ve left several voicemail messages & one or two Facebook messages, asking someone from the establishment to interview for this article, but no one has been available for comments. I understand this. There are privacy & confidentiality laws, & there are too many people trying to shut down businesses like this one. Just remember that Grass Rootz 420 is a professional business with a down-home feel, and this former (& future patient) highly recommends the medical marijuana community to conduct business with an establishment that has already proven dedication to their patients and THE cause.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Study Concludes: Everyone Knows You're Stoned

Have you ever smoked a joint & wondered if everyone knows? Well, according to a video clip from everyone’s favorite news source, The Onion. Dr. Phillip Blanton, PHD, a neurologist from Mass General Hospital, “everyone can smell the marijuana on your breath and on your clothes.” Also, “everyone is laughing at you.” The in-depth report also states that “You are probably about to die, “ and, “you were once a baby, now you’re a criminal.” Thus, you may be laughing too much, & everyone is messing with you. “If you’re young and smoke marijuana, you’ll probably never find a job,” according to Dr. Blanton. “If you’re adult, you’ll probably get fired,” he says. The new research shows that your brain must be broken, & you shouldn't have done this.

That said, since the smell of marijuana lingers long after the original smoke-session, it goes without saying that paper currency will absorb such an aroma. Although the aforementioned was a farce, this is a true account:  As stated in an article, dated October 4, 2013, by Dominic Kelly on the Opposing Views website, a man in Sebastopol, CA was pulled over for speeding. When the police searched his trunk, William David Bush had $47,000 cash in his possession. The authorities suspected that it was drug money, but when the search didn't uncover any actual marijuana they arrested & booked him because of the smell. There was other evidence, like remnants of marijuana scattered throughout the trunk & the floor of the car, but “the odor was so overwhelming that one of the officers said he could smell it from across the road,” said the prosecutor.

And a little bit on the lighter side for conclusion. . .  Recently, there have been rumors that the bears in Yellowstone are living the high life, & one park ranger has evidence of the truth. Anyone that has ever believed in Yogi Bear & Boo-boo know that bears have been lighting up for years! Why do you think they’re always after the pic-i-nic baskets? Munchies, dude! They gots the freaking munchies, man! If the ranger was a marijuana user, he might have wanted to take the quiz that asks, "how long could you survive after kicking a bear in the ba&@s?" That'd given him enough time to grab the spliff for himself. Instead, Tanner Roseheimer reported that he found a bear, sitting on a picnic table bench, smoking a doobie. His supervisor told him that the bear probably got hooked up by a college kid vacationing from Colorado. All of this can be read on The Spoof!

In short, you smell like pot, will probably be high forever, & you might have your stash stolen by park bears that need to be kicked in the huevos. :)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cowlitz PUD Tries Deny Electricity to Marijuana Businesses

Like so many local city & county governments, the Cowlitz PUD commissioners are proposing to the board members that the company implement a preposterous proposal. The People’s Utility District of Cowlitz County is trying to shut of electrical power to any and all marijuana businesses that don’t meet the state standards. Although, I personally agree that all companies should be required to follow all state & local laws, policies, & guidelines, I disagree that marijuana businesses should be targeted.

A dear friend of mine asked a question after I posted this article on my Facebook wall. She asked, “Did they pull the plug on All-Out Sewer and Drain? Will they quit serving other businesses found to be in violation of state/federal laws? A Daily News search for "department of ecology fines" turned up 100+ results (some duplicates, not all local) so it's worth asking.” I happen to agree that this subject should be broached before the next meeting to be held on *Tuesday, June 24, 2014.

The issue of All-Out Sewer and Drain is a hot topic in my county. Ray Caldwell, the company’s owner, was sentenced to 27 months in prison & fined $250,000 after found “guilty on 33 felony counts related to years of illegally emptying his septic tank pumper trucks into the Longview sewer system in violation of the federal Clean Water Act. Basically, the final outcome was when the US District Court Judge Benjamin Settle ordered the owner of the company to pay $636,000 for restitution. I pose the question, “why wasn’t this guy’s electricity cut off?” He definitely wasn’t meeting the standards of any government, & yet, he was allowed electricity. If the Cowlitz PUD passes this proposal it’ll just cause pot businesses to go underground again.

What about the meth labs? What about abusive people? What about offenders of violent crimes? What about a restaurant owner getting a DUI in front of his establishment while filming Hotel Hell, with Chef Gordon Ramsey. I mean, really! This guy blatantly drives while intoxicated (not his first offense, BTW), parks in front of The Monticello Hotel, & gets a ticket for DUI. Did the PUD decide to cut off his power as he was in a definite violation of the law? Nope. There are far too many more examples to present, but if you perform a search in almost any search engine, you will find that there are hundreds of cases, in Cowlitz County alone.

Part of me wants to dare them to implement this proposal. Let me explain why. If you give a smoker of marijuana all the pot he/she wants, leave them with only the pot & a lighter with no method of smoking. Do you seriously not know the outcome? Pot heads become engineers when it comes to their marijuana. Now, imagine taking that imagination & initiative on a larger scale. If you take electricity from marijuana businesses, they’ll get creative & join stronger forces to use alternative energy. Are you imagining this on that larger scale, yet? And that’s only the beginning. However, I’ve learned not to dare public officials; they tend to bully till they get their way. I will encourage everyone that agrees that this is wrong to attend the next *meeting at the PUD building.

*The Cowlitz PUD Board of Commissioners meets on the second and fourth Tuesday each month in the John Searing Auditorium at the PUD at 961 12th Avenue.

Monday, June 2, 2014

My youngest daughter is weird. She has always been weird & will always be weird. She’s never been the “norm,” & she’s never wanted to be anyone but herself. When she was middle school age she wanted to fit in somewhere, but she didn't want to change to belong. I envy her.

I've had major upheavals in my life. As a child, I was tossed from family to family. I’d like to say that it all started when my mom was run down by a drunk driver when I was 7, but that’d be a lie. My natural mother left me with people all the time. Some of them she knew well, & some she only knew through “partying.” See, my mother was an alcoholic & drug addict. I know she smoked pot a lot because she’d call it her “funny” cigarettes, & I knew she drank regularly. There was always beer, wine, & hard alcohol in our many places of residence. I didn't find out about the amphetamine (speed, cocaine, cross-tops, pink hearts, etc.) use until I was a teen & she had been dead for almost a decade. However, drug use would explain her spastic behavior. I’m not dishonoring my mother. She was human. She lacked coping skills, & she self-medicated. This erratic behavior was the cause of her fatality.

I do believe that my mother’s behavior was inherited. Her paternal grandmother was for all intents & purposes bipolar (or even undiagnosed ADHD). Although, I wouldn't say the abusive behavior was inherited, the sporadic highs & lows & distractibility were definitely there. Her IQ, like that of some of her siblings, was high. She would have been called a “genius” if anyone had taken the time to test her. She was creative & imaginative. She didn’t fit the female roles of her day. Her older sibling is also highly intelligent, but unlike my mother, my aunt had a brain for numbers & scholarly learning. Like almost all families, the second child was the exact opposite as the first.

My mom was the black sheep, which is ironic. Out of a family of six siblings (all girls), five of them had dark, straight hair with dark eyes. My mother was white from head to toe. She had white hair that turned golden blond then a dark blond by the time she died. My mother even looked like she didn't belong. It must have been hard for her to be such a free spirit in a family that strived for academic success. While her other siblings excelled in school, my mother struggled. One of her teachers even told my maternal grandmother that my mother was smart enough to get things done, but she was so intelligent that she was bored. If a subject didn’t interest her then she didn’t see the point in making an effort (I must have got that from her because I still feel that way).

My mother was an advocate. When someone told her that black people were lesser forms of life, my mother purposefully sought out black folks to be friends with. Any time my mother was told “no,” or was restricted from anything she’d do it just to prove that “yes” she could. For an example, someone told my mother that she shouldn’t let me hang out with black children, my mom packed me up that next Sunday & took me to an all black church. Man, I loved watching her cut into the KKK when we lived in Oklahoma. She was a spitfire. She also protested one of the major highways in California. I remember being so incredibly bored, but my mom made everything fun. We used that time to practice for my fashion shows. Yes, I was a toddler in a tiara before there were pseudo-reality shows. I was a pretty cute kid when I was all cleaned up & talented, too. My mother was passionate. She didn't do anything with a humdrum attitude. She went barreling like the bulls in Pamplona. She NEVER tolerated bullying, even though one sister claims she was a bully. I think that was because she didn't want to “behave,” though. She also has one sister that claims that she was the best of all the rest of their siblings, so I guess it’s a matter of perspective.

Then, there was me. I was tossed around like a hot potato. No one wanted me or they couldn’t handle me for very long. I was a messed up kid. I had been molested by people that were supposed to be my family, & eventually I was raped before the age of ten. I didn't fit in at school because I couldn't make connections. I was weird, & I cried all the time. I wasn't needed anywhere, nor was I wanted. Hell, I didn't even want to be around me. I was ridiculed by my classmates throughout elementary (K-5) & punished by my teachers. There were three teachers during that time of my life that kept me from killing myself in my young teen years. Their words & encouragement kept me alive. I want to thank Mr. Stan Riedesel, 2nd grade, Columbia Valley Gardens (CVG), Mrs. Botten, 3rd grade CVG, & Mr. Minium, 4th grade Northlake Elementary School.

My experience at Cascade Middle School was unbearable. I was kicked, pinched, shoved down the stairs, called names, & berated by my peers. I was sexually assaulted in one of my classes every time a film was played. I tried to tell Mrs. Hooker, but she told me that I was making too much out of “harmless” fun. It was a horrible school full of horrible people. I don’t mind naming names, by the by.

I fared relatively well in California for my last year in middle school & my freshman year in high school. When I first attended Paulding Middle School in Arroyo Grande, CA, I was hanging out with the popular crowd. All the girls were jealous of my affiliation with a rowdy motorcycle club, & they all wanted a ride on my stepdad’s bad ass Harley. However, in a manner that’d make my natural mother shit her pants with pride if she wasn't already sliding down the hill she’s buried in, I made enemies quickly. I got on the school bus one morning & was heading to a seat with “my crowd” when I was taken aback. One of my new “friends” called someone an elephant because she was big. I thought that it was mean. I told her to “shut the fuck up.” She told me that if I liked her so much that I could sit with her, then. So, I asked the girl if I could sit with her. She looked up at me with the biggest & bluest eyes I’d ever seen looking back at me (see, my eyes were blue like that before they turned green). Hence, my popularity transformed to infamy.

I've never been able to handle bullying. When my dad would beat our cocker spaniel, I’d cringe. When a classmate was beating his horse, I called the police. When I saw my aunt lay hands on her two-year old, I reported it to Children’s Services. I can’t handle people being mean to someone or something that can’t defend themselves. I've been beat up for defending people that I felt needed the support. I've kicked a few asses, too, if I do say so myself. I've lost friendships because I can’t handle the way they treat their animals or children. I've created drama when there needn't be drama simply because I've acted on my gut & not my head. As an adult with a level head, I know that violence is NEVER the answer, but as a kid I was a rebel with a cause.

Needless to say, I was weird. I didn’t fit. No matter how much I wanted it or tried to conform I simply didn't fit. Folks thought I was broken. I was taken to shrink after shrink, & I was able to manipulate almost all of them into thinking that I didn't need their services. I now know that I desperately need a psychologist, & I am honest with her. When I first met her I told her that if she was easily manipulated then she couldn’t be my therapist. The ability to manipulate isn't necessarily one that I’m proud of, but it has its own functionality. I will tell folks to abstain from teaching children how to lie. I had a parent that claimed he could tell if I was lying simply by looking into my eyes. I got a whipping whether I told the truth or not. He ALWAYS said I was lying. So, I got good at looking people in the eye & lying my ass off. Please believe your children, even if they’ve a history of lying & story-telling. Believe them.

My youngest daughter has followed in my footsteps. She is very much like me, my mother, & her paternal grandmother before her. She is quirky & nerdy, & I love her. She has endured similar experiences with her classmates. She has been bullied, harassed, & tormented, & still she faces the world.