Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ode To Maya Angelou

My soul dwells in a vessel
That traps it without a care.
Imprisonment is a choice.

My soul is a hummingbird,
Flitting about here & there.
Freedom is a choice.

My soul sings with purpose,
Sharing love everywhere
Enlightenment has a voice.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Many Minds, Many Colors, One Heart, One Love

In the chaos of this endless vision
I am ever present; diligent.
I am peace as the glass-like top of a lake.
I am love like that of the turbulent ocean.
I am joy like that of a spring fountain;
Excited, sparkling, & bubbling over.
I connect with you & you with me.
We radiate from inclusion

*just feelin' a bit sappy this morning