Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Compromise? I Think Not!

Bill Hicks once said (maybe a few times) that “when two or more people agree on an issue I form a line on the other side.” He also said, “I get a kick out of being the outsider constantly; it allows me to be creative.”

If I am to be free, I must stand up for what’s right no matter the cost. However, when I do the right thing, my life tends to get worse or I become more & more separated from people. Isolation is a scary place sometimes, but it’s a necessary emptiness to avoid having to do the right thing all the time. The struggle is, for me, very real. I wear headphones when I go to public places most of the time because I cannot listen to people being mean. When I see or hear injustices, great or small, I have this compulsion to speak up & take action. I am afraid that my actions of integrity will have terrible consequences for me, of course, but also for those involved. An atom bomb is useful for destroying its target, but the fallout is enormous. Since I cannot stand idly by, I isolate.

I have become very comfortable living alone, but that was forced on me as a child & again with an empty nest. One of the families that I lived with while growing up would ground me to my room, sometimes for a month at a time. A few of the other families that I lived with would leave for long periods of time, again, leaving me to fend for myself. Even my natural mother, who loved me the only way she knew how, left me with strangers. I pushed my children out of the nest with my ideologies, but some of that was their own quest for independence. So, living alone is familiar (I find it intriguing that the root word is family); it’s like an old friend. Although I can have a complete thought, use the phone, watch the tellie, & come & go as I please without interference from outside influences, I still miss people.

Therein lays the conundrum. If I believe Paul’s warning in his letter to the Romans, then I am not to conform to this worldly realm, but “. . . be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, & acceptable, & perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2 KJV). Even though I have a strong desire to attach myself to other humans, my soul has always screamed louder. I’ve always known that I don’t fit in or belong anywhere, & I am discovering that my mind has only recently become my own. It wasn’t the renewing of my mind that needed to happen for me. It was/is a shedding of societal, religious, & cultural dogma. Mayhaps it’s a rose by another name?

I want to be connected, but every time I become part of a group, organization, church, & yes, even families, I feel like I am letting them chip away at my soul. In order to be accepted with any human cluster I must comply with their rules or unspoken expectations. It’s the “sit down & shut up,” or the “just smile & look pretty” mentality, & “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees” (Euripides).  Conformity is not an option for me. When I tell people that I cannot kowtow, most respond with, “you can’t, or you won’t?” & “it’s a give & take, a compromise.” While the Oxford Dictionary defines “compromise” as “an agreement [sic] of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions,” it also describes it as weakening or harming “by accepting standards that are lower than [sic] desired.” I simply cannot compromise my spirit.

“Never, never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Creating More Jesuses: Literally & Symbolically

in my opinion of the following sacred text passage, i think it stands to reason that "god" was conformed into the likeness of man (both literally & symbolically) to create more of himself (both literally & symbolically). it is my educated guess that there is a bloodline from christ & also the chosen "enlightened" ones. i'll park the text of which i speak below & let the reader cipher for him/herself:

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that HE MIGHT BE THE FIRSTBORN AMONG MANY BRETHREN. MOREOVER WHO HE PREDESTINED, THESE HE ALSO CALLED; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified." ~Romans 8:28-30

do you see it? he will be the firstborn of his bloodline? then he will call the rest. . . ? to me, this means both DNA related AND those of us that have "simply" been "called," will be even MORE important? if not, it's okay. that's why "christians" say it's the "living" word, right? because it's meaning is in the heart of the reader? personally, i think both logically & with imaginations, so. . . . it stands to reason that he would spread his seed with his love, mary m. well i've "preached" enough, & i don't even proclaim to be a "christian" (he didn't say to worship him, only to follow his example--why would i, therefore name my club after him? isn't that the ULTIMATE form of worship?)! *gets off soapbox

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Get Outta My Head Delta!

So UR Rastafarian, R U?

when self-proclaimed Rastafarians simply think the religion is about smoking weed & are accepting food stamps & welfare & school loans & anything from oppressive gov'ts., i wanna shake them & shoot them. having to educate others regarding their religions (of which i am not), is both exhausting & exhilarating (but mostly, i like rubbing their noses in their own shit!).

rastas do NOT believe in receiving any handouts from any gov't. they refuse to be slaves, which is what happens when you receive social services. they may have many women (queens) in their lifetimes, but they are loyal to the one they are with. they always support their children (no matter how many seeds they spread about--if you use your dick you'd better man up, dude).the weed smoking was the first step in the rasta anarchy; they refused the ban on weed as it's part of their religion & the ancient african medicines.

these men, like the native american warriors will fight & die for these causes (like not using nuclear power). where is the self-proclaimed rastas loyalties? will he lay down his life for his brothers, sisters, children? then, not a rasta, dude!

i agree with most of their philosophy, but it's not my religion. if you're gonna claim it, i think you should understand the magnitude

In Defense of My Black Jesus

in a recent FB post, someone recently opposed the lyrics in bob marley’s song “three little birds.”

he literally wrote:

I love Bob Marley's music, I love his passion, I love his zest for life, I love his positive attitude, and I love a whole host of other great qualities the man possessed.
But with one of his most famous lyrics of all time, I must take issue.
While no doubt well-meaning - telling people:
"Don't worry about a thing;
Every little thing is gonna be all right"
is practically begging people, many of whom are already in a bad emotional place - to delude themselves into thinking that at some point in the future, everything will be perfect - that all of life's problems - ALL OF THEM - will melt away, and that life will no longer be real life - it will be a picture-perfect everlasting paradise. . . ”

. . .  & this is my response to his rant:

marley meant in order for good things to happen to you, you must not walk in fear. he was rastafarian, which includes a firm belief in christ, & those 3 birds were his spiritual confirmation that his activism was his path. he was a rebel, banned from his own country, shot at least twice that i can remember, & died from a cancer that started in his toe. he was a martyr for the cause. that said, i understand your point, but i think it's misdirected.

personally, i take issue with bobby mcfarin's "don't worry, be happy." he blatantly tells the audience it doesn't matter if the landlord is going to kick you out: "The landlord say your rent is late, he may have to litigate. . .Don't worry, (ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha) be happy (look at me, I'm happy" he also states that we are not to show feelings to others because they are uncomfortable with their own feelings, "'Cause when you're worried, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. . . So don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy now."

again, i see the truth you're spitting, but i offer you a new perspective as i've actually heard marley preach when i was 8, & i remember him explaining the 3 little birds song, which was released the year before (1977). he is, quite literally, one of my superheroes, a fellow activist, & lover of weed, fighter for equality, rabble-rouser, & smoker of the magickal herb.

that said i leave you with lyrics that i love, in the words of "the toyes:" "SMOKE TWO JOINTS IN TIME OF PEACE, & TWO IN TIMES OF WAR. I SMOKE TWO JOINTS BEFORE I SMOKE TWO JOINTS, & THEN I SMOKE TWO MORE!"

Monday, February 27, 2017

God's Work? Bah-ha-ha!

A friend posts a joke on FB that no one really owns as it's rather a common phrase in American culture, & there are enough memes out there to prove this point. He posts:  "Love Mondays....said no one ever. . .,"

to which I promptly reply, "LIES!!!!! i belong to an organization that is all about loving Mondays. i facilitate a group on Monday afternoons to making the world a better place by taking baby steps to change the world. http://everymondaymatters.org/"

He then responds with, "
God bless you! You're doing Gods work! :)"

Me: "bah-ha-ha! nope, i'm doing what i was called to do. . . i follow my heart & my mind. i hold no political ties, & i am of no religion (i am a minister of the same church as conan, but they honor all religions, including atheism & science). i do not look outwardly for some mythical being or human being (although, applause & laughter are very euphoric) to tell me what i was born with. god's work? no. i am doing what humanoids should do for themselves & others. i am an anarchist, a hacktivist, & i am a instigator of breaking laws to change them. *gets off soapbox"